Friday, November 12, 2010

Send the family a wish!

I hope that you will all take a little time to send the family special well wishes.  Make sure to read the post below, which is an update from Charity regarding special prayer requests.  These wishes will help encourage Charity and Jordan through the next twelve weeks and the rough first eight with little Emery.


  1. I wish you a mellow end of the pregnancy and a very fast delivery. I also pray that your little one is a good sleeper. I am so happy for you guys and cannot wait to see the 4 of you....hopefully in the near future!

  2. Hurray! I keep forgetting that you are pregnant; not as much as I keep forgetting that Ashley is, if that makes you feel any better. :D I love you super duper much and you're super duper cute when you're pregnant. I'm so excited to meet Emery and to see if he has red hair! I'll be praying for an amazing last two months(that's it??) of pregnancy(even though you'll probably have more months of pregnancy later on in your life). hehe..I'm encouraging, eh? Just kiddin!

  3. The last few months can be the hardest, but you're getting so close to the most rewarding part of the whole process! We're so excited for you three to finally get to meet the 4th member of your little family soon! I'm praying for you to have a stress-free and comfortable last few months as well as a smooth delivery. I'm praying for the transition of having 2 will be great and for the three of you to adjust well to the change.
    Emery is a blessed little boy to have you guys as his parents and sweet Adelaide as his big sis. We can't wait to meet your little Emery soon!

  4. I will be praying that you get as much sleep and rest as you can now. I pray for your mind during the pregnancy to be in a special place with God, and that your body will kick in and do what it needs to do. I'm excited for your family as well. I hope the joys of expectation you feel out weigh the discomfort you are going through. You are blessed, and thanks for keepins us all updated!

  5. Thank you all! It was SO encouraging to read all these comments and remember (and miss!) the friends and family we have! This baby boy is already super blessed to have people like you in his life before he is even born :D
