Monday, November 8, 2010

Game #3- Toilet Paper Belly

Now its time to take a sneak peek at little Emery.  The goal of this game is to guess the number of squares of toilet paper it takes to go around the center of Charity's belly.  A half square would be tallied as a full square.  If there is a tie in this game I will put the names in a hat and pull out a winner.  (Charity and Jordan cannot play this one because they already know :)  )  Look at that cute mommy and big sister!


  1. 14, no offense if it's a lot less...haha ;)

  2. This is a terrible game to play in the middle of a pregnancy! :D

  3. Abi--Around the larger part of her belly.
    Charity--You are a brave woman and that is why we love you!

  4. 15...these games are fun...then again, i'm easily you look beautiful!

  5. 12. lol I played this at my baby shower a week before my dude date and someone guessed 32!! flattering to be sure lol

  6. 32!!! Who was that Heather?? haha jk! Jordan tried guessing and it was hilarious...
